►9/23(土) 開場12:45 開演13:00 すてっぷ(国内コンペ枠で投票集計時に上映)
Iuri Moreno
Iuri Moreno owns the production company Caolha Filmes, where he works as executive producer, director and animation scriptwriter. His first animated short film, “The Juggler”, was nominated for the Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro and selected for more than 220 festivals in 47 countries, with a total of 37 awards won. Iuri currently works as creator, director and head writer of the animation series “347 Mission” and recently released a new short film, “The girl behind the mirror”, awarded Best Children's Film at the 28th Encounters Film Festival in the United Kingdom , and selected for more than 50 festivals, 7 of them Oscar qualifiers. Iuri is also one of the creators of “Lanterna Mágica – International Animation Festival” and is producing his first feature film, “Armadillo Girl”, in addition to working on other projects of shorts, features and series that are in development.
原題:A menina atrás do espelho
英題:The girl behind the mirror
監督:Iuri Moreno
♦Some non-English films will be screened with English subtitles. Please visit our subtitle information.